Books are best

Monday, March 24, 2008


Molly and I made our Peeps diorama and entered it in this year's contest at the Pioneer Press. Here it is:
We did not win, but had fun doing it. And it is on the Pioneer Press site, so we're sort of visit that, click here
and enter "Lake Peepin" (oh, so clever...or not) into the keyword.
You can even vote for it if you wish! We've broken 10 so I'm good.
And as Craig would say, there's always next year!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Books and DNA

"Writer, historian and antique book dealer Victoria Dailey recalls the time a decorator came into the bookstore she once owned and announced, "I want the look of books."

"It was so insulting to the books," Dailey says. "Just to pretend you have books is offensive."

A library is a reflection of your mind, your being, your essence, Dailey says. Like a strand of DNA, a collection of books is a catalog "of all the ideas that have gone into your head and all the experiences in your constitution.""

from a story in the Los Angeles Times, February 28, 2008